Saturday, January 4, 2014

Getting ready for The Long Run

The First Mate scored with this dual input blood pressure monitor that uploads the reading to sites in "The Cloud" like Microsoft's HealthVault.  We've both been taking daily readings and they are readily available with simple Windows 8 apps that the little woman runs on her machines.  Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on what kind of Apple Fanboy you talk to) I'm still running Win7 on Gaia ( the tricked out i7 machine I run with) so I download the data, run my own graphs....kind of like what I do for work, but with a more personal flair :)

My first set of readings---wouldn't mind getting that pulse down some, say 60-65.  When things warm up a bit we'll start working on that part as cold air just hurts breathing must less doing anything strenuous while outside.

And that reference to The Long Run?  Retirement naturally.  The First Mate and I will actually have an excellent opportunity to be retired together longer than we've been married to date :)

It's also a pretty good Eagles tune as well....