Saturday, May 22, 2010

Industrial Tool

Enjoying the occasional bowl of ice cream in the evenings can be such a chore to get the Breyer's Cherry Vanilla into the bowl. Along comes the "Twister"! Guaranteed to extradite little rotund glops of goodness from the hardest ice cream. Personally I think the grip is cool but the scoop may qualify as a third world surgical tool....if it can't get the cold stuff out of the container with this, maybe the scoop has a future digging up dandelions!

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  1. Will this work on Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia? I've always had a problem with that one......=:o)
    Seriously (for a moment) - How did this scoop work for you??

  2. Haven't tried it yet......I'll let you know though.

  3. The scoop worked well--especially on those difficult to reach edge areas. I'm still a little leery of the beveled edge but I'm sure if I practice enough that I'll get over it :)
