Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pump Exchange

Our hot water circulation pump died last spring.  Since it is just the First Mate and I, having to run the water a bit longer to get the shower warm hasn't been a real problem.  With the cold weather lately, the water in hot water lines turned into slush as they had been creatively routed in an outside wall as opposed to the internal routing of  the cold water lines. So....I get to replace the pump.

22 years and they still make the same model......very cool.

Pretty straightforward....230vac and bolted flanges.  Still a very nice DIY project.

First flange off...good old cast iron.

Second flange is o-ring was installed.  My opinion of the original plumbers is confirmed yet again.

Got a couple of pipe wrenches and twisted if off.  Looks salvageable.

Man over machine!!!!  (I'll probably pay for that comment when I get my first self-driving car)

In a previous life I was accused of having a lot of stock in the Dow Corning company due to my insistence that everyone use silicone grease when assembling equipment.

Old habits die hard but when the next guy has to replace this pump again it will easily come apart.

The new pump has a few improvements---electrical hole is now threaded.

Quick disconnects on the connections.

Everything back in place and running.  I'll re-wrap the insulation back on after a few days to ensure there are no leaks.  I think I'll go enjoy a hot shower now....

1 comment:

  1. I accidentally invented a new 2 step home repair process last February...1. Call Landlord 2. Go back to watching Bugs old process was also 2 steps...1. Email David 2. Spend four days on a two hour job...
